Countdown to Make a Difference Day 2024








MADD 23 Impact


Hours Served

Dollar Economic Impact

What is Make a Difference Day?

Make A Difference Day is an annual campus-wide day of service and the largest single-day of service in NWA! It will take place on September 21st!

The Volunteer Action Center partners with local agencies to provide volunteer opportunities for the campus community. MADD will kick-off at the Union Mall at 8:00 am, with check-in, t-shirt pickup, and breakfast. Teams will then head to their service projects and volunteer the rest of the morning!

How do I get involved?

There are several ways to get involved!

If you are a nonprofit wanting to submit a service project, click here!

If you are a student wanting to find a service project, click here!

If you are a student wanting to lead a service project, click here!